Instructor: Dr. Li
Course URL:
Tech Documentations
- Particle’s Official Documentation: maintains excellent tech documentations. See official “Get Started”, “Tutorials” and “Reference” via the links here.
- Particle Community: An online discussion forum hosted by Particle. Highly suggested for Q&A.
- Get Started with IBM Watson IoT Platform: IBM’s official tech documentations on IBM Watson IoT Platform.
- GitHub Repository of C++ Client Library for IBM Watson IoT Platform: GitHub’s repository of IBM’s official paho MQTT C++ library for connecting/managing devices, and MQTT with IBM Watson IoT Platform.
- AWS IoT Developer Guide: the official AWS IoT developer guide by AWS. See the latest document as of 2019 at HTML version | PDF link. Copyright@Amazon
- AWS IoT Workshop: a GitHub repo featuring a simple workshop on using ESP32 with AWS IoT Core.
- AWS IoT C++ Device SDK: official AWS SDK for connecting a device to AWS IoT using C++.
- Intel’s official documentation on mraa C/C++ library: Intel’s MRAA library is a low Level library for communication and interfacing with I/O on a variety of boards (GPIO, PWM, I2C, SPI, UART, …). It supports RasPi, Banana Pi, Beaglebone, Onion Mega2 and UP, It allows you to program in C++, Python, JavaScript or Java.